Thursday, May 1, 2008

the photos are from my favorites folder so there's a medley of them. i did this using the picasa picture program that google offers. i only wish there was a way to move the photos around after creating a collage but thats all right.
so i have been sick again. not as sick as i got about a month ago but its irratating all the same.
in the news, last week a man from solana beach who was training for a triathlon was attacked and killed by a shark. its rare that such a thing happens but i understand why some would be fearful of this. i am not, necessarily, going to stop loving the ocean but i know that i wold not have any chance of surviving if this happened to me. the waters around the area of attack were closed right after the attack. i guess the authorities were worried about the shark lingering in the area but nothing else, here, happened. however, in baja a man from san fransisco was killed yesterday. For something so rare it sure was a coincident to have happened again.
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