Sunday, May 10, 2009

Yeah! Mother's Day for Me.

I have been celebrating my first Mother's Day today and I have been having a very enjoyable time. I am all about having an additional holiday devoted to me. I know that sounds selfish but who wouldn't be?
My gift from Ella/Carl was a flower bed in front of the house. We had this half-circle patch of grass with some dying bushes in front of the house and Carl decided to change it into something more enjoyable to look at, for me.
He worked on it all day yesterday, getting up the sod, pulling out the dead bushes, and planting various plants including hostas and lilies from his mom's garden.
I helped him out for awhile as Ella looked on from her chair that we set up on the stairs. I think she had a good time outside because she stayed awake the whole time.
This morning Carl was tired from losing sleep all week long so he slept in but once he woke up he made me some pancakes and eggs for breakfast. After that we went to Costco!
Well, we didn't have anything planned for the day so we ended up there buying paper goods for the house. Afterwards, we went to a new eatery named SmashBurger. If you enjoy greasy food you would like this place. I got a SmashBrat and the bun looked like it had been soaked in butter. I can't deny that it wasn't good but I am sure that if i had a heart condition that this Brat would had done me in.
It's only 2:30 pm now. Much of the day is still left and i am planning on going over the Carl's mom's house so that Ella can say Happy mother's day to her.
that will likely be it for the day.

1 comment:

ameliaharris99 said...

She's growing so fast! She's a cutey! I hope you did have a great mother's day. :)

P.S. I love the pic where she's holding the Happy Mother's day note! Very cute. :)