Monday, April 21, 2008


as you can see in the photo there is only one baby. Maybe i am not seeing things clearly but I don't think there are two babies anymore. It might have been eaten by that crow we saw lurking around the nest a few times, or perhaps it didn't hatch, or something else. whatever the case its sad to us that we are only seeing one when we earlier saw two. it also makes me wonder why the beak doesn't look hummingbird like. is this even a hummingbird? i will keep my eyes on it.

carl and i started running again. i don't want to run more than 3 miles at a time this time around, at least until i resolve the issue with my knees. they use to hurt all the time just from standing all day but the pain has decreased dramatically. i have been taking glucosamine and it seems to have helped because my knees no longer hurt, even when i wear crappy flip flops instead of shoes with cushion and support. my right knee still makes some squishy sound that worries me a bit but i rarely notice except when doing lunges or other exercises focusing on the knee.

It was my mother-in-laws birthday today. we called her earlier today. well carl did and i just yelled from a distance but than i had to brush my teeth and couldn't talk.

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